Commitment. Evolved.

As we mark a century of stainless steel innovation and production, we reflect on the unwavering commitment that has driven our company's success. From the first steel melted to a global presence, our dedication to quality, innovation, and customer satisfaction has been our growth and prosperity bedrock.

Commitment is more than just a value; it is the foundation for our company. It is the unwavering resolve to deliver exceptional products, innovate and evolve, and serve our customers with integrity and passion. Our employees have an unshakeable trust in each other, our processes, and our mission.

That’s Commitment. Evolved.

Outokumpu Leads with ResponsibleSteel Certification

Outokumpu proudly leads the Nordics as the first steel company to achieve ResponsibleSteel certification across all European sites. We continue to strengthen our sustainability work further and drive the steel industry forward.

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